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ABE - Static variable in class
ABE ( exchange.
AbstractIndexedEventModel<E extends IndexedEvent<?>,N extends AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry<E>> - Class in com.dxfeed.model
Abstract model for a list of indexed events.
AbstractIndexedEventModel(Class<? extends E>) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Creates new model.
AbstractIndexedEventModel(DXFeed, Class<? extends E>) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Creates new model attached to the specified feed.
AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry<V> - Class in com.dxfeed.model
Represents an internal entry in the model.
accept(Day) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Tests whether or not the specified day is an acceptable result.
accept(Session) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Tests whether or not the specified session is an acceptable result.
addChangeListener(ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Adds subscription change listener.
addChangeListener(ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscription
Adds subscription change listener.
addEventListener(DXFeedEventListener<E>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Adds listener for events.
addEventListener(DXFeedEventListener<Order>) - Method in class
Adds listener for events.
AdditionalUnderlyings - Class in com.dxfeed.glossary
Represents a set of additional underlyings for a given option.
addListener(OrderBookModelListener) - Method in class
Adds a listener to this order book model.
addListener(ObservableListModelListener<? super E>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.model.ObservableListModel
Adds a listener to this observable list model.
addNonEmptyCustomFieldNames(Collection<? super String>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Adds names of non-empty custom fields to specified collection.
addOption(T) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Adds an option instrument to this builder.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Adds listener that is notified about changes in on-demand service properties.
addStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Adds listener that is notified about changes in state property.
addStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds listener that is notified about changes in state property.
addSymbols(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Adds the specified collection of symbols to the set of subscribed symbols.
addSymbols(Object...) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Adds the specified array of symbols to the set of subscribed symbols.
addSymbols(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Adds the specified symbol to the set of subscribed symbols.
addUpdateListener(InstrumentProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class
Adds listener that is notified about any updates in the set of instrument profiles.
AFTER_MARKET - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Accepts any session with type SessionType.AFTER_MARKET.
AGGREGATE_ASK - Static variable in class
Ask side of an aggregate order book (futures depth and NASDAQ Level II).
AGGREGATE_BID - Static variable in class
Bid side of an aggregate order book (futures depth and NASDAQ Level II).
ALL - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.WildcardSymbol
Represents [wildcard] subscription to all events of the specific event type.
allOf(Collection<? extends Promise<?>>) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promises
Returns a new promise that completes when all promises from the given collection complete normally or exceptionally.
allOf(Promise<?>...) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promises
Returns a new promise that completes when all promises from the given array complete normally or exceptionally.
allowScope(Scope) - Method in enum
Returns true if the specified order scope is accepted, false otherwise.
AnalyticOrder - Class in
Represents an extension of Order introducing analytic information, e.g.
AnalyticOrder() - Constructor for class
Creates new analytic order with default values.
AnalyticOrder(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new analytic order with the specified event symbol.
ANY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts any day - useful for pure calendar navigation.
ANY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Accepts any session - useful for pure schedule navigation.
anyOf(Collection<? extends Promise<T>>) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promises
Returns a new promise that completes when any promise from the given collection complete normally or exceptionally.
anyOf(Promise<T>...) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promises
Returns a new promise that completes when any promise from the given array complete normally or exceptionally.
attach(DXFeed) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Attaches subscription to the specified feed.
attach(DXFeed) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Attaches model to the specified feed.
attach(DXFeed) - Method in class
Attaches model to the specified feed.
attachSubscription(DXFeedSubscription<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Attaches the given subscription to this feed.
ATTRIBUTE_KEY - Static variable in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
The attribute key that is used to store the value of CandleAlignment in a symbol string using methods of MarketEventSymbols class.
ATTRIBUTE_KEY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
The attribute key that is used to store the value of CandlePeriod in a symbol string using methods of MarketEventSymbols class.
ATTRIBUTE_KEY - Static variable in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
The attribute key that is used to store the value of CandlePrice in a symbol string using methods of MarketEventSymbols class.
ATTRIBUTE_KEY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
The attribute key that is used to store the value of CandlePriceLevel in a symbol string using methods of MarketEventSymbols class.
ATTRIBUTE_KEY - Static variable in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
The attribute key that is used to store the value of CandleSession in a symbol string using methods of MarketEventSymbols class.
await() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Wait for computation to complete and return its result or throw an exception in case of exceptional completion.
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Wait for computation to complete or timeout and return its result or throw an exception in case of exceptional completion or timeout.
awaitNotConnected() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Waits while this endpoint state becomes NOT_CONNECTED or CLOSED.
awaitProcessed() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Waits until this endpoint stops processing data (becomes quescient).
awaitWithoutException(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Wait for computation to complete or timeout or throw an exception in case of exceptional completion.


baseFieldsToString() - Method in class
baseFieldsToString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
BATE - Static variable in class
Bats Europe BXE Exchange.
BI20 - Static variable in class
Borsa Istanbul Exchange.
build() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Builds DXEndpoint instance.
build(Collection<InstrumentProfile>) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Builds options chains for all options from the given collections of instrument profiles.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Protected constructor for implementations of DXEndpoint.Builder.
buildSpreadSymbol(Map<String, ? extends Number>) - Static method in class
Builds canonical spread symbol for specified spread components.
BXTR - Static variable in class
Bats Europe TRF.
BYX - Static variable in class
Bats BYX Exchange.
BZX - Static variable in class
Bats BZX Exchange.


C2OX - Static variable in class
CBOE Options C2 Exchange.
cancel() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Cancels computation.
Candle - Class in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Candle event with open, high, low, close prices and other information for a specific period.
Candle() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Creates new candle with default values.
Candle(CandleSymbol) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Creates new candle with the specified candle event symbol.
CandleAlignment - Enum in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Candle alignment attribute of CandleSymbol defines how candle are aligned with respect to time.
CandleExchange - Class in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Exchange attribute of CandleSymbol defines exchange identifier where data is taken from to build the candles.
CandlePeriod - Class in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Period attribute of CandleSymbol defines aggregation period of the candles.
CandlePrice - Enum in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Price type attribute of CandleSymbol defines price that is used to build the candles.
CandlePriceLevel - Class in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Candle price level attribute of CandleSymbol defines how candles shall be aggregated in respect to price interval.
CandleSession - Enum in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Session attribute of CandleSymbol defines trading that is used to build the candles.
CandleSymbol - Class in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Symbol that should be used with DXFeedSubscription class to subscribe for Candle events.
CandleSymbolAttribute<A> - Interface in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Attribute of the CandleSymbol.
CandleType - Enum in com.dxfeed.event.candle
Type of the candle aggregation period constitutes CandlePeriod type together its actual value.
CEUX - Static variable in class
Bats Europe DXE Exchange.
CFE - Static variable in class
CBOE Futures Exchange.
CFI - Class in com.dxfeed.glossary
A wrapper class for Classification of Financial Instruments code as defined in ISO 10962 standard.
CFI.Attribute - Class in com.dxfeed.glossary
Describes single attribute with all values as defined in the ISO 10962 standard.
CFI.Value - Class in com.dxfeed.glossary
Describes single value of single character of CFI code as defined in the ISO 10962 standard.
Change(OrderBookModel) - Constructor for class
Change(ObservableListModel<E>) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.model.ObservableListModelListener.Change
changeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Returns candle event symbol string with this candle alignment set.
changeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Returns candle event symbol string with this exchange set.
changeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns candle event symbol string with this aggregation period set.
changeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Returns candle event symbol string with this candle price type set.
changeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Returns candle event symbol string with this candle price level set.
changeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Returns candle event symbol string with this session attribute set.
changeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbolAttribute
Returns candle event symbol string with this attribute set.
changeAttributeStringByKey(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Changes value of one attribute value while leaving exchange code and other attributes intact.
changeBaseSymbol(String, String) - Static method in class
Changes base symbol while leaving exchange code and attributes intact.
changeExchangeCode(String, char) - Static method in class
Changes exchange code of the specified symbol or removes it if new exchange code is '\0'.
checkInAttributeImpl(CandleSymbol) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Internal method that initializes attribute in the candle symbol.
checkInAttributeImpl(CandleSymbol) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Internal method that initializes attribute in the candle symbol.
checkInAttributeImpl(CandleSymbol) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Internal method that initializes attribute in the candle symbol.
checkInAttributeImpl(CandleSymbol) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Internal method that initializes attribute in the candle symbol.
checkInAttributeImpl(CandleSymbol) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Internal method that initializes attribute in the candle symbol.
checkInAttributeImpl(CandleSymbol) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Internal method that initializes attribute in the candle symbol.
checkInAttributeImpl(CandleSymbol) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbolAttribute
Internal method that initializes attribute in the candle symbol.
CHIX - Static variable in class
Bats Europe CXE Exchange.
ClassValueMapping - Annotation Type in com.dxfeed.annotation
Annotation for methods and constructors used to map reference types to int QD field.
clear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Clears the set of subscribed symbols.
clear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Clears subscription symbol and, subsequently, all events in this model.
clear() - Method in class
Clears subscription symbol and, subsequently, all events in this model.
clear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.TimeSeriesEventModel
Clears subscription symbol and sets fromTime to Long.MAX_VALUE, subsequently, all events in this model are cleared.
clone() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChain
Returns a shall copy of this option chain.
clone() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns a shall copy of this option series.
close() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Closes this endpoint.
close() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Closes this subscription and makes it permanently detached.
close() - Method in class
Closes this instrument profile connection.
close() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Closes this model and makes it permanently detached.
close() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.IndexedEventModel
Closes this model and makes it permanently detached.
close() - Method in class
Closes this model and makes it permanently detached from data feed.
close() - Method in class
Closes this model and makes it permanently detached.
closeAndAwaitTermination() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Closes this endpoint and wait until all pending data processing tasks are completed.
com.dxfeed.annotation - package com.dxfeed.annotation
Main package for dxFeed API mapping annotations.
com.dxfeed.api - package com.dxfeed.api
Main package for dxFeed API that provides DXFeed as its core class.
com.dxfeed.api.osub - package com.dxfeed.api.osub
Provides API to observe subscription to generate and publish events only when needed.
com.dxfeed.event - package com.dxfeed.event
Provides common event interfaces and annotations.
com.dxfeed.event.candle - package com.dxfeed.event.candle
Provides Candle event (open, high, low, close prices and other information for a specific period) and helper classes. - package
Provides regular market event classes.
com.dxfeed.event.misc - package com.dxfeed.event.misc
Provides miscellaneous event classes.
com.dxfeed.event.option - package com.dxfeed.event.option
Provides option-related market event classes.
com.dxfeed.glossary - package com.dxfeed.glossary
Provides utility classes that represent common glossary items in definitions of market instruments.
com.dxfeed.ipf - package com.dxfeed.ipf
Provides classes to read, write, and represent Instrument Profile Files. - package
Provides classes to produce and watch for live updates of Instrument Profiles.
com.dxfeed.ipf.option - package com.dxfeed.ipf.option
Provides classes to group option instruments into option chains by product and underlying symbol and into series by expiration, mmy, etc within a chain.
com.dxfeed.model - package com.dxfeed.model
Provides convenient data models for events processing. - package
Provides models for market events.
com.dxfeed.ondemand - package com.dxfeed.ondemand
Provides API for dxFeed on-demand historical tick data replay.
com.dxfeed.promise - package com.dxfeed.promise
Provides Promise class for request-based APIs that can be used both synchronously and asynchronously.
com.dxfeed.schedule - package com.dxfeed.schedule
Provides information about trading days, sessions, and their schedules.
commitChange() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry
Commits the most recent change by copying newValue to current value and clearing changed flag, if it was not cleared yet.
compareTo(InstrumentProfile) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Compares this profile with the specified profile for order.
compareTo(OptionSeries<T>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Compares this option series to another one by its attributes.
compareTypes(String, String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileType
Compares two specified types for order.
complete(T) - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Completes computation normally with a specified result.
completed(T) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns new promise that is completed with a specified result.
completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Completes computation exceptionally with a specified exception.
COMPOSITE - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Composite exchange where data is taken from all exchanges.
COMPOSITE_ASK - Static variable in class
Ask side of a composite Quote.
COMPOSITE_BID - Static variable in class
Bid side of a composite Quote.
Configuration - Class in com.dxfeed.event.misc
Configuration event with application-specific attachment.
Configuration() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Creates new configuration event with default values.
Configuration(String) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Creates new configuration event with the specified event symbol.
Configuration(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Creates new configuration event with the specified event symbol and attachment.
Configuration(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Creates new configuration event with the specified event symbol, attachment and version.
connect(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Connects to the specified remote address.
containsEventType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Returns true if this subscription contains the corresponding event type.
containsEventType(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscription
Returns true if this subscription contains the corresponding event type.
containsTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns true if specified time belongs to this day.
containsTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns true if specified time belongs to this session.
copyInstrumentProfile(InstrumentProfile) - Method in class
A hook to create a defensive copy of the instrument profile that is saved into this collector.
create() - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Creates an endpoint with FEED role.
create(DXEndpoint.Role) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Creates an endpoint with a specified role.
createAgentExecutor() - Static method in class
createConnection(String, InstrumentProfileCollector) - Static method in class
Creates instrument profile connection with a specified address and collector.
createEntry() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Creates new concrete entry to represent an event in this model.
createEntry() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.IndexedEventModel
Creates new concrete entry to represent an event in this model.
createSubscription(Class<? extends E>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Creates new subscription for a single event type that is attached to this feed.
createSubscription(Class<? extends E>...) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Creates new subscription for multiple event types that is attached to this feed.
createTimeSeriesSubscription(Class<? extends E>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Creates new time series subscription for a single event type that is attached to this feed.
createTimeSeriesSubscription(Class<? extends E>...) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Creates new time series subscription for multiple event types that is attached to this feed.


DailyCandle - Class in com.dxfeed.event.candle
use Candle instead.
DailyCandle() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.candle.DailyCandle
Creates new daily candle with default values.
DailyCandle(CandleSymbol) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.candle.DailyCandle
Creates new daily candle with the specified candle event symbol.
DAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Day aggregation where each candle represents a day.
Day - Class in com.dxfeed.schedule
Day represents a continuous period of time approximately 24 hours long.
DayFilter - Class in com.dxfeed.schedule
A filter for days used by various search methods.
DayFilter(int, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Creates filter with specified conditions.
dayOfWeekMask - Variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Bitwise mask of required days (2 for Monday, 4 for Tuesday, 128 for Sunday), 0 if not relevant.
DEA - Static variable in class
Direct-Edge EDGA Exchange.
decipher() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns array of values that explain meaning of each character in the CFI code.
decorateSymbol(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Decorates the specified symbol after it was received from the DXFeedSubscription client code before it goes to installed ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener instances.
decorateSymbol(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription
Decorates the specified symbol after it was received from the DXFeedSubscription client code before it goes to installed ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener instances.
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Default alignment is CandleAlignment.MIDNIGHT.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Default exchange is CandleExchange.COMPOSITE.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Default period is CandlePeriod.TICK.
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Default price type is CandlePrice.LAST.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Default price level corresponds to Double.NaN
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Default trading session is CandleSession.ANY.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
The default source with zero identifier for all events that do not support multiple sources.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class
Default source for publishing custom order books.
describe() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns short textual description of this CFI code by listing names of all values for the characters in this CFI code.
detach(DXFeed) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Detaches subscription from the specified feed.
detach(DXFeed) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Detaches model from the specified feed.
detach(DXFeed) - Method in class
Detaches model from the specified feed.
detachSubscription(DXFeedSubscription<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Detaches the given subscription from this feed.
detachSubscriptionAndClear(DXFeedSubscription<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Detaches the given subscription from this feed and clears data delivered to this subscription by publishing empty events.
DEX - Static variable in class
Direct-Edge EDGX Exchange.
Direction - Enum in
Direction of the price movement.
disconnect() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Terminates all remote network connections.
disconnectAndClear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Terminates all remote network connections and clears stored data.
downloadDefaults(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Downloads defaults using specified download config and optionally start periodic download.
DXEndpoint - Class in com.dxfeed.api
Manages network connections to feed or publisher.
DXEndpoint() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Protected constructor for implementations of DXEndpoint.
DXEndpoint.Builder - Class in com.dxfeed.api
Builder class for DXEndpoint that supports additional configuration properties.
DXEndpoint.Role - Enum in com.dxfeed.api
Represents the role of endpoint that was specified during its creation.
DXEndpoint.State - Enum in com.dxfeed.api
Represents the current state of endpoint.
DXENDPOINT_EVENT_TIME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Set this property to true to enable event time support.
DXENDPOINT_STORE_EVERYTHING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Set this property to to store all lasting and indexed events even when there is no subscription on them.
DXFeed - Class in com.dxfeed.api
Main entry class for dxFeed API (read it first).
DXFeed() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Protected constructor for implementations of this class only.
DXFEED_ADDRESS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines default connection address for an endpoint with role FEED or ON_DEMAND_FEED.
DXFEED_AGGREGATION_PERIOD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines data aggregation period an endpoint with role FEED that limits the rate of data notifications.
DXFEED_PASSWORD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines default password for an endpoint with role FEED or ON_DEMAND_FEED.
DXFEED_PROPERTIES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines path to a file with properties for an endpoint with role FEED or ON_DEMAND_FEED.
DXFEED_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines thread pool size for an endpoint with role FEED.
DXFEED_USER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines default user name for an endpoint with role FEED or ON_DEMAND_FEED.
DXFEED_WILDCARD_ENABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Set this property to true to turns on wildcard support.
DXFeedEventListener<E> - Interface in com.dxfeed.api
The listener interface for receiving events of the specified type E.
DXFeedSubscription<E> - Class in com.dxfeed.api
Subscription for a set of symbols and event types.
DXFeedSubscription(Class<? extends E>) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Creates detached subscription for a single event type.
DXFeedSubscription(Class<? extends E>...) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Creates detached subscription for the given list of event types.
DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription<E extends TimeSeriesEvent> - Class in com.dxfeed.api
Extends DXFeedSubscription to conveniently subscribe to time-series of events for a set of symbols and event types.
DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription(Class<? extends E>) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription
Creates detached time-series subscription for a single event type.
DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription(Class<? extends E>...) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription
Creates detached time-series subscription for the given list of event types.
DXPublisher - Class in com.dxfeed.api
Provides API for publishing of events to local or remote feeds.
DXPublisher() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.DXPublisher
Protected constructor for implementations of this class only.
DXPUBLISHER_ADDRESS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines default connection address for an endpoint with role PUBLISHER.
DXPUBLISHER_PROPERTIES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines path to a file with properties for an endpoint with role PUBLISHER.
DXPUBLISHER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines thread pool size for an endpoint with role PUBLISHER.
DXSCHEME_ENABLED_PROPERTY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines whether a specified field from the scheme should be enabled instead of it's default behaviour.
DXSCHEME_NANO_TIME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Set this property to true to turn on nanoseconds precision business time.


EMPTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
Empty additional underlyings - it has empty text and empty map.
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Empty CFI - it has code "XXXXXX".
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Empty price increments - it has empty text and sole increment with value 0.
Entry() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry
Constructs entry with null value.
Entry(V) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry
Constructs entry with a specified value.
entryListIterator() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns a list iterator over the entries in this model (in proper sequence).
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol
Returns true if other object is IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol with the same eventSymbol and sourceId.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol
Returns true if other object is TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol with the same eventSymbol.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.WildcardSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Indicates whether this exchange attribute is the same as another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Indicates whether this aggregation period is the same as another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Indicates whether this price level is the same as another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Indicates whether this symbol is the same as another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
Indicates whether some other indexed event source has the same id.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Indicates whether some other object is equal to this option series by its attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
ERIS - Static variable in class
Eris Exchange group of companies.
ESPD - Static variable in class
NASDAQ eSpeed.
EventFieldMapping - Annotation Type in com.dxfeed.annotation
Annotation for getXXX() methods on properties that need custom mapping to QD fields.
EventFieldType - Enum in com.dxfeed.annotation
Semantic type of event class field.
eventsReceived(List<E>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedEventListener
Invoked when events of type E are received.
EventType<T> - Interface in com.dxfeed.event
Marks all event types that can be received via dxFeed API.
EventTypeMapping - Annotation Type in com.dxfeed.annotation
Annotation for classes that are part of custom data scheme.
executor(Executor) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Changes executor that is used for notifications.


failed(Throwable) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns new promise that is completed exceptionally with a specified exception.
FAIR - Static variable in class
FAIR (FairX) exchange.
FilteredSubscriptionSymbol - Interface in com.dxfeed.api
This marker interface marks subscription symbol classes (like TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol) that attach "filters" to the actual symbols.
find(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Returns field for specified name or null if field is not found.
find(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileType
Returns field for specified name or null if field is not found.
findFirstSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns first session belonging to this day accepted by specified filter.
findLastSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns last session belonging to this day accepted by specified filter.
findNearestSessionByTime(long, SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns session that is nearest to the specified time and that is accepted by specified filter.
findNextDay(DayFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns following day accepted by specified filter.
findNextSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns following session accepted by specified filter.
findPrevDay(DayFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns previous day accepted by specified filter.
findPrevSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns previous session accepted by specified filter.
formatDate(int) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
formatNumber(double) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
FRIDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts Fridays only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() == 5).
fullOrderBook() - Static method in class
Returns a list of publishable order sources that support Full Order Book.


get(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns the element at the specified position in this model.
getAction() - Method in class
Returns order action if available, otherwise - OrderAction.UNDEFINED.
getActionTime() - Method in class
Returns time of the last action.
getAdditionalUnderlyings() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns additional underlyings for options, including additional cash.
getAdditionalUnderlyings() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns additional underlyings for options, including additional cash.
getAddress() - Method in class
Returns the address of this instrument profile connection.
getAggressorSide() - Method in class
Returns aggressor side of this option sale event.
getAggressorSide() - Method in class
Returns aggressor side of this time and sale event.
getAlignment() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns alignment attribute of this symbol.
getAskExchangeCode() - Method in class
Returns ask exchange code.
getAskPrice() - Method in class
Returns the current ask price on the market when this option sale event had occurred.
getAskPrice() - Method in class
Returns ask price.
getAskPrice() - Method in class
Returns the current ask price on the market when this time and sale event had occurred.
getAskSize() - Method in class
Returns ask size as integer number (rounded toward zero).
getAskSizeAsDouble() - Method in class
Returns ask size as floating number with fractions.
getAskTime() - Method in class
Returns time of the last ask change.
getAskVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns ask volume in this candle.
getAskVolumeAsDouble() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns ask volume in this candle as floating number with fractions.
getAttachment() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Returns attachment.
getAttachment(ClassLoader) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Returns attachment.
getAttachment() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Returns attachment.
getAttachment(ClassLoader) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Returns attachment.
getAttribute() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Value
Returns attribute that contains this value.
getAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Returns candle alignment of the given candle symbol string.
getAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Returns exchange attribute object of the given candle symbol string.
getAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns candle period of the given candle symbol string.
getAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Returns candle price type of the given candle symbol string.
getAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Returns candle price level of the given candle symbol string.
getAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Returns candle session attribute of the given candle symbol string.
getAttributeStringByKey(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns value of the attribute with the specified key.
getAuxOrderId() - Method in class
Returns auxiliary order ID if available: in OrderAction.NEW - ID of the order replaced by this new order in OrderAction.DELETE - ID of the order that replaces this deleted order in OrderAction.PARTIAL - ID of the aggressor order in OrderAction.EXECUTE - ID of the aggressor order
getBackVolatility() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns back month implied volatility for this underlying based on VIX methodology.
getBaseCurrency() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns base currency of currency pair (FOREX instruments).
getBaseSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns base market symbol without attributes.
getBaseSymbol(String) - Static method in class
Returns base symbol without exchange code and attributes.
getBeta() - Method in class
Returns the correlation coefficient of the instrument to the S&P500 index.
getBidExchangeCode() - Method in class
Returns bid exchange code.
getBidPrice() - Method in class
Returns the current bid price on the market when this option sale event had occurred.
getBidPrice() - Method in class
Returns bid price.
getBidPrice() - Method in class
Returns the current bid price on the market when this time and sale event had occurred.
getBidSize() - Method in class
Returns bid size as integer number (rounded toward zero).
getBidSizeAsDouble() - Method in class
Returns bid size as floating number with fractions.
getBidTime() - Method in class
Returns time of the last bid change.
getBidVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns bid volume in this candle.
getBidVolumeAsDouble() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns bid volume in this candle as floating number with fractions.
getBuyer() - Method in class
Returns buyer of this time and sale event.
getBuyOrders() - Method in class
Returns the view of bid side (buy orders) of the order book.
getCalls() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns a sorted map of all calls from strike to a corresponding option instrument.
getCallVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns call options traded volume for a day.
getCallVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns call options traded volume for a day.
getCategory() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns single character for instrument category - the first character of the CFI code.
getCFI() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns Classification of Financial Instruments code.
getCFI() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns Classification of Financial Instruments code of this option series.
getChains() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Returns a view of chains created by this builder.
getChange() - Method in class
Returns change of the last trade.
getClose() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns the last (close) price of this candle.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in enum
Returns integer code that is used in flag bits.
getCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns CFI code.
getCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Value
Returns single character code of this value.
getCount() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns total number of original trade (or quote) events in this candle.
getCount() - Method in class
Returns number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
getCountry() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns country of origin (incorporation) of corresponding company or parent entity.
getCurrency() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns currency of quotation, pricing and trading.
getCUSIP() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures code.
getDateField(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns day id value for a date field with a specified name.
getDay() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns day to which this session belongs.
getDayById(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns day for specified day identifier.
getDayByTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns day that contains specified time.
getDayByYearMonthDay(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns day for specified year, month and day numbers.
getDayClosePrice() - Method in class
Returns the last (close) price for the day.
getDayClosePriceType() - Method in class
Returns the price type of the last (close) price for the day.
getDayHighPrice() - Method in class
Returns the maximal (high) price for the day.
getDayId() - Method in class
Returns identifier of the day that this summary represents.
getDayId() - Method in class
Returns identifier of the current trading day.
getDayId() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Number of this day since January 1, 1970 (that day has identifier of 0 and previous days have negative identifiers).
getDayLowPrice() - Method in class
Returns the minimal (low) price for the day.
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns ordinal day number in the month starting with 1 for the first day of month.
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns ordinal day number in the week starting with 1=Monday and ending with 7=Sunday.
getDayOpenPrice() - Method in class
Returns the first (open) price for the day.
getDayTurnover() - Method in class
Returns total turnover traded for a day.
getDayVolume() - Method in class
Returns total volume traded for a day as integer number (rounded toward zero).
getDayVolumeAsDouble() - Method in class
Returns total volume traded for a day as floating number with fractions.
getDecoratedSymbols() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Returns a set of decorated symbols (depending on the actual implementation class of DXFeedSubscription).
getDelta() - Method in class
Return option delta at the time of this option sale event.
getDelta() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Return option delta.
getDelta() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns delta of the theoretical price.
getDescription() - Method in class
Returns description of the security instrument.
getDescription() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Attribute
Returns description of this attribute.
getDescription() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Value
Returns description of this value.
getDescription() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns description of instrument, preferable an international one in Latin alphabet.
getDividend() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns implied simple dividend return of the corresponding option series.
getDividend() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns implied simple dividend return of the corresponding option series.
getDividendFrequency() - Method in class
Returns frequency of cash dividends payments per year (calculated).
getEarningsPerShare() - Method in class
Returns earnings per share (the company’s profits divided by the number of shares).
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns DXEndpoint that is associated with this on-demand service.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns end time of this day (exclusive).
getEndTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns end time of this session (exclusive).
getEventFlags() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in class
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in class
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in class
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventFlags() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns transactional event flags.
getEventId() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.TimeSeriesEvent
getEventsList() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.IndexedEventModel
Returns the view of the current list of events in this model.
getEventSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol
Returns event symbol.
getEventSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns candle event symbol.
getEventSymbol() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.EventType
Returns event symbol that identifies this event type in subscription.
getEventSymbol() - Method in class
Returns symbol of this event.
getEventSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Returns symbol for this event.
getEventSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Returns symbol for this event.
getEventTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns time when event was created or zero when time is not available.
getEventTime() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.EventType
Returns time when event was created or zero when time is not available.
getEventTime() - Method in class
Returns time when event was created or zero when time is not available.
getEventTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Returns time when event was created or zero when time is not available.
getEventTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Returns time when event was created or zero when time is not available.
getEventTypes() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Returns a set of all event types supported by this endpoint.
getEventTypes() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Returns a set of subscribed event types.
getEventTypes() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscription
Returns a set of event types for this subscription.
getException() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns exceptional outcome of computation.
getExchange() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns exchange attribute of this symbol.
getExchangeCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Returns exchange code.
getExchangeCode(String) - Static method in class
Returns exchange code of the specified symbol or '\0' if none is defined.
getExchangeCode() - Method in class
Returns exchange code of this option sale event.
getExchangeCode() - Method in class
Returns exchange code of this order.
getExchangeCode() - Method in class
Returns exchange code of this time and sale event.
getExchangeCode() - Method in class
Returns exchange code of the last trade.
getExchangeData() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns exchange-specific data required to properly identify instrument when communicating with exchange.
getExchanges() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns list of exchanges where instrument is quoted or traded.
getExchangeSaleConditions() - Method in class
Returns sale conditions provided for this event by data feed.
getExchangeSaleConditions() - Method in class
Returns sale conditions provided for this event by data feed.
getExDividendAmount() - Method in class
Returns the amount of the last paid dividend.
getExDividendDayId() - Method in class
Returns identifier of the day of the last dividend payment (ex-dividend date).
getExecutedSize() - Method in class
Returns executed size of this order.
getExecutor() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Returns executor for processing event notifications on this subscription.
getExecutor() - Method in class
Returns executor for processing instrument profile update notifications.
getExecutor() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns executor for processing event notifications on this model.
getExecutor() - Method in class
Returns executor for processing event notifications on this model.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns day id of expiration.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns day id of expiration.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns day id of expiration.
getExpirationStyle() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns expiration cycle style, such as "Weeklys", "Quarterlys".
getExpirationStyle() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns expiration cycle style, such as "Weeklys", "Quarterlys".
getFeed() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Returns feed that is associated with this endpoint.
getField(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns field value with a specified name.
getField(InstrumentProfile) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Returns value of this field for specified profile in textual representation.
getFilter() - Method in class
Returns filter for the model.
getFirstSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns first session belonging to this day accepted by specified filter.
getFlags() - Method in class
Returns implementation-specific flags.
getForwardPrice() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns implied forward price for this option series.
getFreeFloat() - Method in class
Returns free-float - the number of shares outstanding that are available to the public for trade.
getFromTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription
Returns the earliest timestamp from which time-series of events shall be received.
getFromTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol
Returns subscription time.
getFromTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.TimeSeriesEventModel
Returns the time from which to subscribe for time-series, or Long.MAX_VALUE is not subscribed (this is a default value).
getFrontVolatility() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns front month implied volatility for this underlying based on VIX methodology.
getGamma() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns option gamma.
getGamma() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns gamma of the theoretical price.
getGroup() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns single character for instrument group - the second character of the CFI code.
getHaltEndTime() - Method in class
Returns ending time of the trading halt interval.
getHaltStartTime() - Method in class
Returns starting time of the trading halt interval.
getHigh() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns the maximal (high) price of this candle.
getHigh52WeekPrice() - Method in class
Returns the maximal (high) price in last 52 weeks.
getHighLimitPrice() - Method in class
Returns the maximal (high) allowed price.
getICB() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns Industry Classification Benchmark.
getIcebergExecutedSize() - Method in class
Returns iceberg executed size of this analytic order.
getIcebergHiddenSize() - Method in class
Returns iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.
getIcebergPeakSize() - Method in class
Returns iceberg peak size of this analytic order.
getIcebergType() - Method in class
Returns iceberg type of this analytic order.
getImpVolatility() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns implied volatility.
getIndex() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns unique per-symbol index of this candle event.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Returns unique per-symbol index of this event.
getIndex() - Method in class
Returns unique per-symbol index of this option sale event.
getIndex() - Method in class
Returns unique per-symbol index of this order.
getIndex() - Method in class
Returns unique per-symbol index of this time and sale event.
getIndex() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns unique per-symbol index of this event.
getIndex() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns unique per-symbol index of this series.
getIndex() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns unique per-symbol index of this event.
getIndex() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns unique per-symbol index of this event.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.TimeSeriesEvent
Returns unique per-symbol index of this event.
getIndexedEventsIfSubscribed(Class<E>, Object, IndexedEventSource) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Returns a list of indexed events for the specified event type, symbol, and source if there is a subscription for it.
getIndexedEventsPromise(Class<E>, Object, IndexedEventSource) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Requests a list of indexed events for the specified event type, symbol, and source.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Returns a default application-wide singleton instance of DXEndpoint with a FEED role.
getInstance(DXEndpoint.Role) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Returns a default application-wide singleton instance of DXEndpoint for a specific role.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Returns a default application-wide singleton instance of feed.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXPublisher
Returns a default application-wide singleton instance of DXPublisher.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns on-demand service for the default DXEndpoint instance with ON_DEMAND_FEED role that is not connected to any other real-time or delayed data feed.
getInstance(DXEndpoint) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns on-demand service for the specified DXEndpoint.
getInstance(InstrumentProfile) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns default schedule instance for specified instrument profile.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns default schedule instance for specified schedule definition.
getInstance(InstrumentProfile, String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns schedule instance for specified instrument profile and trading venue.
getIntCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns integer representation of CFI code.
getInterest() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns implied simple interest return of the corresponding option series.
getInterest() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns implied simple interest return of the corresponding option series.
getISIN() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns International Securities Identifying Number.
getLastEvent(E) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Returns the last event for the specified event instance.
getLastEventIfSubscribed(Class<E>, Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Returns the last event for the specified event type and symbol if there is a subscription for it.
getLastEventPromise(Class<E>, Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Requests the last event for the specified event type and symbol.
getLastEvents(Collection<E>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Returns the last events for the specified list of event instances.
getLastEventsPromises(Class<E>, Collection<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Requests the last events for the specified event type and a collection of symbols.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Returns last modification time (in milliseconds) from last InstrumentProfileReader.readFromFile(java.lang.String) operation or zero if it is unknown.
getLastModified() - Method in class
Returns last modification time (in milliseconds) of instrument profiles or zero if it is unknown.
getLastSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns last session belonging to this day accepted by specified filter.
getLastTrade() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns day id of last trading day.
getLastTrade() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns day id of last trading day.
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class
Returns last modification time (in milliseconds) of instrument profiles or zero if it is unknown.
getLevel() - Method in class
getLocalDescription() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns description of instrument in national language.
getLocalSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns identifier of instrument in national language.
getLotSize() - Method in class
Returns lot size.
getLow() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns the minimal (low) price of this candle.
getLow52WeekPrice() - Method in class
Returns the minimal (low) price in last 52 weeks.
getLowLimitPrice() - Method in class
Returns the minimal (low) allowed price.
getMap() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
Returns internal representation of additional underlyings as a map from underlying symbol to its SPC.
getMarketMaker() - Method in class
Returns market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
getMMY() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns maturity month-year as provided for corresponding FIX tag (200).
getMMY() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns maturity month-year as provided for corresponding FIX tag (200).
getMonthOfYear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns calendar month number in the year starting with 1=January and ending with 12=December.
getMultiplier() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns market value multiplier.
getMultiplier() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns market value multiplier.
getName() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Attribute
Returns short name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Value
Returns short name of this value.
getName() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns name of this schedule.
getNearestSessionByTime(long, SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns session that is nearest to the specified time and that is accepted by specified filter.
getNewValue() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry
Returns new value of the entry, after the most recent change, null if the element is removed from the model.
getNextDay(DayFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns following day accepted by specified filter.
getNextSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns following session accepted by specified filter.
getNStrikesAround(int, double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns n strikes the are centered around a specified strike value.
getNumericField(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns numeric field value with a specified name.
getNumericField(InstrumentProfile) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Returns value of this field for specified profile in numeric representation.
getOpen() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns the first (open) price of this candle.
getOpenInterest() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns open interest.
getOpenInterest() - Method in class
Returns open interest of the symbol as the number of open contracts.
getOpenInterestAsDouble() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns open interest as floating number with fractions.
getOPOL() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns official Place Of Listing, the organization that have listed this instrument.
getOptionSymbol() - Method in class
Returns option symbol of this event.
getOptionType() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns type of option.
getOptionType() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns type of option.
getOptionVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns options traded volume for a day.
getOptionVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns options traded volume for a day.
getOrderId() - Method in class
Returns order ID if available.
getOrderSide() - Method in class
Returns side of this order.
getPeriod() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns aggregation period of this symbol.
getPeriodIntervalMillis() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns aggregation period in milliseconds as closely as possible.
getPeriodIntervalMillis() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleType
Returns candle type period in milliseconds as closely as possible.
getPrevDay(DayFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns previous day accepted by specified filter.
getPrevDayClosePrice() - Method in class
Returns the last (close) price for the previous day.
getPrevDayClosePriceType() - Method in class
Returns the price type of the last (close) price for the previous day.
getPrevDayId() - Method in class
Returns identifier of the previous day that this summary represents.
getPrevDayVolume() - Method in class
Returns total volume traded for the previous day.
getPrevSession(SessionFilter) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns previous session accepted by specified filter.
getPrice() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns price type attribute of this symbol.
getPrice() - Method in class
Returns price of this option sale event.
getPrice() - Method in class
Returns price of this order.
getPrice() - Method in class
Returns price of this time and sale event.
getPrice() - Method in class
Returns price of the last trade.
getPrice() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns option market price.
getPrice() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns theoretical option price.
getPriceIncrement() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns first price increment (for price range adjacent to 0), usually the smallest one.
getPriceIncrement(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns price increment which shall be applied to the specified price.
getPriceIncrement(double, int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns price increment which shall be applied to the specified price in the specified direction.
getPriceIncrements() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns internal representation of price increments as a single array of double values.
getPriceIncrements() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns minimum allowed price increments with corresponding price ranges.
getPriceLevel() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns price level attribute of this symbol.
getPricePrecision() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns first price precision (for price range adjacent to 0), usually the largest one.
getPricePrecision(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns price precision for the price range which contains specified price.
getProduct() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns product for futures and options on futures (underlying asset name).
getPublisher() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Returns publisher that is associated with this endpoint.
getPutCallRatio() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns ratio of put options traded volume to call options traded volume for a day.
getPutCallRatio() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns ratio of put options traded volume to call options traded volume for a day.
getPuts() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns a sorted map of all puts from strike to a corresponding option instrument.
getPutVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns put options traded volume for a day.
getPutVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns put options traded volume for a day.
getResetTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns reset time for this day.
getResult() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns result of computation.
getRho() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns option rho.
getRole() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Returns the role of this endpoint.
getSchedule() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns schedule to which this day belongs.
getScope() - Method in class
Returns scope of this order.
getSEDOL() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns Stock Exchange Daily Official List.
getSeller() - Method in class
Returns seller of this time and sale event.
getSellOrders() - Method in class
Returns the view of offer side (sell orders) of the order book.
getSequence() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns sequence number of this event to distinguish events that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class
Returns sequence number of this event to distinguish option sale events that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class
Returns sequence number of this order to distinguish orders that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class
Returns sequence number of this quote to distinguish quotes that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class
Returns sequence number of this event to distinguish events that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class
Returns sequence number of the last trade to distinguish trades that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns sequence number of this event to distinguish events that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns sequence number of this series to distinguish series that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns sequence number of this event to distinguish events that have the same time.
getSequence() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns sequence number of this event to distinguish events that have the same time.
getSeries() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChain
Returns a sorted set of option series of this option chain.
getSession() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns session attribute of this symbol.
getSessionByTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns session belonging to this day that contains specified time.
getSessionByTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns session that contains specified time.
getSessionFilter() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Returns session filter that corresponds to this session attribute.
getSessions() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns list of sessions that constitute this day.
getSettlementStyle() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns settlement price determination style, such as "Open", "Close".
getSettlementStyle() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns settlement price determination style, such as "Open", "Close".
getShares() - Method in class
Returns the number of shares outstanding.
getShortSaleRestriction() - Method in class
Returns short sale restriction of the security instrument.
getSIC() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns Standard Industrial Classification.
getSide() - Method in class
getSize() - Method in class
Returns size of this option sale event.
getSize() - Method in class
Returns size of this order as integer number (rounded toward zero).
getSize() - Method in class
Returns size of this time and sale event as integer number (rounded toward zero).
getSize() - Method in class
Returns size of the last trade as integer number (rounded toward zero).
getSizeAsDouble() - Method in class
Returns size of this order as floating number with fractions.
getSizeAsDouble() - Method in class
Returns size of this time and sale event as floating number with fractions.
getSizeAsDouble() - Method in class
Returns size of the last trade as floating number with fractions.
getSizeLimit() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns size limit of this model.
getSource() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol
Returns indexed event source.
getSource() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns a source identifier for this event, which is always DEFAULT for time-series events.
getSource() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Returns source of this event.
getSource() - Method in class
Returns a source for this event.
getSource() - Method in class
Returns source of this event.
getSource() - Method in class
Returns a source identifier for this event, which is always DEFAULT for time-series events.
getSource() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns a source identifier for this event, which is always DEFAULT for time-series events.
getSource() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns a source for this event.
getSource() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns a source identifier for this event, which is always DEFAULT for time-series events.
getSource() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns a source identifier for this event, which is always DEFAULT for time-series events.
getSource() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.TimeSeriesEvent
Returns a source identifier for this event, which is always DEFAULT for time-series events.
getSource() - Method in class
Returns the source model of the change.
getSource() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.ObservableListModelListener.Change
Returns the source list model of the change.
getSPC(String, String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
Returns SPC for specified underlying symbol or 0 is specified symbol is not found.
getSPC(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
Returns SPC for specified underlying symbol or 0 is specified symbol is not found.
getSPC() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns shares per contract for options.
getSPC() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns shares per contract for options.
getSpeed() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns on-demand historical data replay speed.
getSpreadSymbol() - Method in class
Returns spread symbol of this event.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns start time of this day (inclusive).
getStartTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns start time of this session (inclusive).
getState() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Returns the state of this endpoint.
getState() - Method in class
Returns state of this instrument profile connections.
getStatusReason() - Method in class
Returns description of the reason that trading was halted.
getStrike() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns strike price for options.
getStrikes() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns a list of all strikes in ascending order.
getSubscription(Class<E>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXPublisher
Returns observable set of subscribed symbols for the specified event type.
getSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns identifier of instrument, preferable an international one in Latin alphabet.
getSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChain
Returns symbol (product or underlying) of this option chain.
getSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns model subscription symbol, or null is not subscribed (this is a default value).
getSymbol() - Method in class
Returns order book symbol, or null for empty subscription.
getSymbol() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.TimeSeriesEventModel
Returns model subscription symbol, or null is not subscribed (this is a default value).
getSymbols() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Returns a set of subscribed symbols.
getText() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
Returns textual representation of additional underlyings in the format:
getText() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns textual representation of price increments in the format:
getTheta() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns option theta.
getTickDirection() - Method in class
Returns tick direction of the last trade.
getTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns timestamp of the candle in milliseconds.
getTime() - Method in class
Returns time of this option sale event.
getTime() - Method in class
Returns time of this order.
getTime() - Method in class
Returns time of the last bid or ask change.
getTime() - Method in class
Returns timestamp of the original event.
getTime() - Method in class
Returns time of the last trade.
getTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns timestamp of the event in milliseconds.
getTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns time of this series.
getTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns timestamp of the event in milliseconds.
getTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns timestamp of the event in milliseconds.
getTime() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.TimeSeriesEvent
Returns timestamp of the event.
getTime() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns current or last on-demand historical data replay time.
getTimeNanoPart() - Method in class
Returns microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this event.
getTimeNanoPart() - Method in class
Returns microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
getTimeNanoPart() - Method in class
Returns microseconds and nanoseconds part of time of the last bid or ask change.
getTimeNanoPart() - Method in class
Returns microseconds and nanoseconds time part of event.
getTimeNanoPart() - Method in class
Returns microseconds and nanoseconds time part of the last trade.
getTimeNanos() - Method in class
Returns timestamp of the original event in nanoseconds.
getTimeNanos() - Method in class
Returns time of this order in nanoseconds.
getTimeNanos() - Method in class
Returns time of the last bid or ask change in nanoseconds.
getTimeNanos() - Method in class
Returns timestamp of the original event in nanoseconds.
getTimeNanos() - Method in class
Returns time of the last trade in nanoseconds.
getTimeSequence() - Method in class
Returns time and sequence of this event packaged into single long value.
getTimeSequence() - Method in class
Returns time and sequence of this order packaged into single long value.
getTimeSequence() - Method in class
Returns time and sequence of last trade packaged into single long value.
getTimeSequence() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns time and sequence of this series packaged into single long value.
getTimeSeriesIfSubscribed(Class<E>, Object, long, long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Returns time series of events for the specified event type, symbol, and a range of time if there is a subscription for it.
getTimeSeriesPromise(Class<E>, Object, long, long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Requests time series of events for the specified event type, symbol, and a range of time.
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns time zone in which this schedule is defined.
getTradeId() - Method in class
Returns trade (order execution) ID for events containing trade-related action.
getTradePrice() - Method in class
Returns trade price for events containing trade-related action.
getTradeSize() - Method in class
Returns trade size for events containing trade-related action.
getTradeThroughExempt() - Method in class
Returns TradeThroughExempt flag of this option sale event.
getTradeThroughExempt() - Method in class
Returns TradeThroughExempt flag of this time and sale event.
getTradingHours() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns trading hours specification.
getTradingStatus() - Method in class
Returns trading status of the security instrument.
getTradingVenues(InstrumentProfile) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Returns trading venues for specified instrument profile.
getType() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns aggregation period type.
getType() - Method in class
Returns type of this option sale event.
getType() - Method in class
Returns type of this time and sale event.
getType() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns type of instrument.
getType() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Returns type of this field.
getType() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns type of this session.
getUnderlying() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns primary underlying symbol for options.
getUnderlyingPrice() - Method in class
Returns underlying price at the time of this option sale event.
getUnderlyingPrice() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Returns underlying price at the time of theo price computation.
getUpdatePeriod() - Method in class
Returns update period in milliseconds.
getValue() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns aggregation period value.
getValue() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Returns price level value.
getValue() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry
Returns current values of the entry.
getValues() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Attribute
Returns values of this attribute.
getVega() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns option vega.
getVersion() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Returns version.
getVolatility() - Method in class
Returns Black-Scholes implied volatility of the option at the time of this option sale event.
getVolatility() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns Black-Scholes implied volatility of the option.
getVolatility() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns implied volatility index for this series based on VIX methodology.
getVolatility() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns 30-day implied volatility for this underlying based on VIX methodology.
getVolume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns total volume in this candle.
getVolumeAsDouble() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns total volume in this candle as floating number with fractions.
getVWAP() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns volume-weighted average price (VWAP) in this candle.
getYear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns calendar year - i.e.
getYearMonthDay() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns year, month and day numbers decimally packed in the following way:
GLBX - Static variable in class
CME Globex.
glbx - Static variable in class
CME Globex.
Greeks - Class in com.dxfeed.event.option
Greeks event is a snapshot of the option price, Black-Scholes volatility and greeks.
Greeks() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Creates new greeks event with default values.
Greeks(String) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Creates new greeks event with the specified event symbol.


handleDone(PromiseHandler<? super T>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Invoked when promise is done.
handleIncomplete(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
hasAttributes(String) - Static method in class
Returns true if the specified symbol has any attributes.
hasException() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns true when computation has completed exceptionally or was cancelled.
hasExchangeCode(String) - Static method in class
Returns true is the specified symbol has the exchange code specification.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol
Returns hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol
Returns eventSymbol hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.WildcardSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Returns hash code of this exchange attribute.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns hash code of this aggregation period.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Returns hash code of this price level.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns hash code of this symbol.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns a hash code value for this option series.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
hashCode() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
hasResult() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns true when computation has completed normally.
hasSize() - Method in class
Returns true if this order has some size (sizeAsDouble is neither 0 nor NaN).
HOLIDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts holidays only - those with (Day.isHoliday() == true).
holiday - Variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Required holiday flag, null if not relevant.


ICE - Static variable in class
Intercontinental Exchange.
IcebergType - Enum in
Type of an iceberg order.
id - Variable in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
id() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
Returns a source identifier.
iex - Static variable in class
Investors exchange.
incrementPrice(double, int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns specified price incremented in the specified direction by appropriate increment and then rounded to nearest valid value.
incrementPrice(double, int, double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns specified price incremented in the specified direction by the maximum of specified step and appropriate increment, and then rounded to nearest valid value.
IndexedEvent<T> - Interface in com.dxfeed.event
Represents an indexed collection of up-to-date information about some condition or state of an external entity that updates in real-time.
IndexedEventModel<E extends IndexedEvent<?>> - Class in com.dxfeed.model
Model for a list of indexed events.
IndexedEventModel(Class<? extends E>) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.model.IndexedEventModel
Creates new model.
IndexedEventSource - Class in com.dxfeed.event
Source identifier for IndexedEvent.
IndexedEventSource(int, String) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol<T> - Class in com.dxfeed.api.osub
Represents subscription to a specific source of indexed events.
IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol(T, IndexedEventSource) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.osub.IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol
Creates indexed event subscription symbol with a specified event symbol and source.
initImpl(DXEndpoint) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Protected initialization method to bind OnDemandService instance to DXEndpoint instance.
InstrumentProfile - Class in com.dxfeed.ipf
Represents basic profile information about market instrument.
InstrumentProfile() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Creates an instrument profile with default values.
InstrumentProfile(InstrumentProfile) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Creates an instrument profile as a copy of the specified instrument profile.
InstrumentProfileCollector - Class in
Collects instrument profile updates and provides the live list of instrument profiles.
InstrumentProfileCollector() - Constructor for class
InstrumentProfileConnection - Class in
Connects to an instrument profile URL and reads instrument profiles with support of streaming live updates.
InstrumentProfileConnection.State - Enum in
Instrument profile connection state.
InstrumentProfileField - Enum in com.dxfeed.ipf
Defines standard fields of InstrumentProfile and provides data access methods.
InstrumentProfileFormatException - Exception in com.dxfeed.ipf
Signals that input stream does not conform to the Instrument Profile Format.
InstrumentProfileFormatException() - Constructor for exception com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileFormatException
Constructs a InstrumentProfileFormatException without detail message.
InstrumentProfileFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileFormatException
Constructs a InstrumentProfileFormatException with specified detail message.
InstrumentProfileReader - Class in com.dxfeed.ipf
Reads instrument profiles from the stream using Instrument Profile Format (IPF).
InstrumentProfileReader() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Creates instrument profile reader.
instrumentProfilesUpdated(Iterator<InstrumentProfile>) - Method in interface
This method is invoked when a set of instrument profiles in the underlying InstrumentProfileCollector changes.
InstrumentProfileType - Enum in com.dxfeed.ipf
Defines standard types of InstrumentProfile.
InstrumentProfileUpdateListener - Interface in
Notifies about instrument profile changes.
InstrumentProfileWriter - Class in com.dxfeed.ipf
Writes instrument profiles to the stream.
InstrumentProfileWriter() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileWriter
Creates instrument profile writer.
intern(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
To be overridden in subclasses to allow intern strings using pools (like StringCache) to reduce memory footprint.
isCancel() - Method in class
Returns whether this is a cancellation of a previous event.
isCancel() - Method in class
Returns whether this is a cancellation of a previous event.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns true when computation was cancelled.
isChanged() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry
Returns true if the value was updated and in the most recent change.
isClear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns true when this on-demand historical data replay service is in clear mode.
isClosed() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Returns true if this subscription is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscription
Returns true if this subscription is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
isCorrection() - Method in class
Returns whether this is a correction of a previous event.
isCorrection() - Method in class
Returns whether this is a correction of a previous event.
isDebtInstrument() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns true if corresponding instrument is a debt instrument.
isDone() - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Returns true when computation has completed normally, or exceptionally, or was cancelled.
ISE - Static variable in class
International Securities Exchange.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns true if this session has zero duration.
isEntitlement() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns true if corresponding instrument is an entitlement (right).
isEquity() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns true if corresponding instrument is an equity.
isETH() - Method in class
isExtendedTradingHours() - Method in class
Returns whether this event represents an extended trading hours sale.
isExtendedTradingHours() - Method in class
Returns whether this event represents an extended trading hours sale.
isExtendedTradingHours() - Method in class
Returns whether last trade was in extended trading hours.
isFullOrderBook() - Method in class
Returns true if this source supports Full Order Book.
isFuture() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns true if corresponding instrument is a future.
isHoliday() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns true if this day is an exchange holiday.
isNew() - Method in class
Returns whether this is a new event (not cancellation or correction).
isNew() - Method in class
Returns whether this is a new event (not cancellation or correction).
isNumericField() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Returns "true" if this field supports numeric representation of a value.
isOption() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns true if corresponding instrument is an option.
isOther() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns true if corresponding instrument is an other (miscellaneous) instrument.
isPublishable(Class<? extends OrderBase>) - Method in class
Returns true if the given event type can be directly published with this source.
isReplay() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns true when this on-demand historical data replay service is in replay mode.
isReplaySupported() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Returns true when on-demand historical data replay mode is supported.
isShortDay() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns true if this day is a short day.
isShortSaleRestricted() - Method in class
Returns short sale restriction status of the security instrument.
isSnapshotEnd(E) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns true when this event ends the snapshot.
isSpecialSourceId(int) - Static method in class
Determines whether specified source identifier refers to special order source.
isSpreadLeg() - Method in class
Returns whether this event represents a spread leg.
isSpreadLeg() - Method in class
Returns whether this event represents a spread leg.
IST - Static variable in class
Borsa Istanbul Exchange.
isTrading() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
Returns true if trading activity is allowed within this day.
isTrading() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
Returns true if trading activity is allowed within this session.
isTrading() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionType
Returns true if trading activity is allowed for this type of session.
isTradingHalted() - Method in class
Returns trading halt status of the security instrument.
isValidTick() - Method in class
Returns whether this event represents a valid intraday tick.
isValidTick() - Method in class
Returns whether this event represents a valid intraday tick.


LastingEvent<T> - Interface in com.dxfeed.event
Represents up-to-date information about some condition or state of an external entity that updates in real-time.
LEVEL_AGGREGATE - Static variable in class
use Scope.AGGREGATE instead.
LEVEL_COMPOSITE - Static variable in class
use Scope.COMPOSITE instead.
LEVEL_ORDER - Static variable in class
use Scope.ORDER instead.
LEVEL_REGIONAL - Static variable in class
use Scope.REGIONAL instead.
listIterator() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this model (in proper sequence).
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this model (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in the model.


MarketEvent - Class in
Abstract base class for all market events.
MarketEvent() - Constructor for class
Protected constructor for concrete implementation classes.
MarketEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Protected constructor for concrete implementation classes that initializes eventSymbol property.
MarketEventSymbols - Class in
Helper class to compose and parse symbols for market events.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MAX_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Maximum allowed sequence value.
MEMX - Static variable in class
Members Exchange.
memx - Static variable in class
Members Exchange.
Message - Class in com.dxfeed.event.misc
Message event with application-specific attachment.
Message() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Creates new message with default values.
Message(String) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Creates new message with the specified event symbol.
Message(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Creates new message with the specified event symbol and attachment.
modelChanged(List<N>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Invoked on the change of this model.
modelChanged(List<AbstractIndexedEventModel.Entry<E>>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.IndexedEventModel
Invoked on the change of this model.
modelChanged(OrderBookModelListener.Change) - Method in interface
Called after a change has been made to an OrderBookModel.
modelChanged(ObservableListModelListener.Change<? extends E>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.model.ObservableListModelListener
Called after a change has been made to an ObservableListModel.
MONDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts Mondays only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() == 1).


name - Variable in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
name() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
Returns a string representation of the object.
NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Defines property for endpoint name that is used to distinguish multiple endpoints in the same JVM in logs and in other diagnostic means.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Creates new DXEndpoint.Builder instance.
NFX - Static variable in class
NASDAQ Futures Exchange.
NO_TRADING - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Accepts any session with type SessionType.NO_TRADING.
NON_TRADING - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts non-trading days only - those with (Day.isTrading() == false).
NON_TRADING - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Accepts non-trading sessions only - those with (Session.isTrading() == false).
normalizeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Returns candle symbol string with the normalized representation of the candle alignment attribute.
normalizeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns candle symbol string with the normalized representation of the candle period attribute.
normalizeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Returns candle symbol string with the normalized representation of the candle price type attribute.
normalizeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Returns candle symbol string with the normalized representation of the candle price level attribute.
normalizeAttributeForSymbol(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Returns candle symbol string with the normalized representation of the candle session attribute.
NTV - Static variable in class
NASDAQ Total View.
ntv - Static variable in class
NASDAQ Total View.


ObservableListModel<E> - Interface in com.dxfeed.model
A list that allows to track its changes via listeners.
ObservableListModelListener<E> - Interface in com.dxfeed.model
Callback interface that receives notifications about changes in ObservableListModel.
ObservableListModelListener.Change<E> - Class in com.dxfeed.model
Represents a notification of the change done to an ObservableListModel.
ObservableSubscription<E> - Interface in com.dxfeed.api.osub
Observable set of subscription symbols for the specific event type.
ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener - Interface in com.dxfeed.api.osub
The listener interface for receiving notifications on the changes of observed subscription.
OnDemandService - Class in com.dxfeed.ondemand
Provides on-demand historical tick data replay controls.
OnDemandService() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Protected constructor for implementations of OnDemandService.
OptionChain<T> - Class in com.dxfeed.ipf.option
Set of option series for a single product or underlying symbol.
OptionChainsBuilder<T> - Class in com.dxfeed.ipf.option
Builder class for a set of option chains grouped by product or underlying symbol.
OptionChainsBuilder() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Creates new option chains builder.
OptionSale - Class in
Option Sale event represents a trade or another market event with the price (for example, market open/close price, etc.) for each option symbol listed under the specified Underlying.
OptionSale() - Constructor for class
Creates new option sale event with default values.
OptionSale(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new option sale event with the specified event symbol.
OptionSeries<T> - Class in com.dxfeed.ipf.option
Series of call and put options with different strike sharing the same attributes of expiration, last trading day, spc, multiplies, etc.
Order - Class in
Order event is a snapshot for a full available market depth for a symbol.
Order() - Constructor for class
Creates new order with default values.
Order(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new order with the specified event symbol.
OrderAction - Enum in
Action enum for the Full Order Book (FOB) Orders.
OrderBase - Class in
Base class for common fields of Order, AnalyticOrder and SpreadOrder events.
OrderBookCorrector - Class in
Model that corrects Order Book errors.
OrderBookCorrector(DXFeed) - Constructor for class
Creates new model with default parameters and attaches it to specified data feed.
OrderBookCorrector(DXFeed, long, long) - Constructor for class
Creates new model with specified parameters and attaches it to specified data feed.
OrderBookModel - Class in
Model for convenient Order Book management.
OrderBookModel() - Constructor for class
Creates new model.
OrderBookModelFilter - Enum in
An order events filter for OrderBookModel.
OrderBookModelListener - Interface in
Callback interface that receives notifications about changes in OrderBookModel.
OrderBookModelListener.Change - Class in
Represents a notification of the change done to an OrderBookModel.
OrderSource - Class in
Identifies source of Order, AnalyticOrder and SpreadOrder events.


parse(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Parses string representation of candle alignment into object.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Parses string representation of aggregation period into object.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Parses string representation of candle price type into object.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Parses string representation of candle price level into object.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Parses string representation of candle session attribute into object.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleType
Parses string representation of candle type into object.
parseDate(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
parseNumber(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
password(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Changes password for this endpoint.
pause() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Pauses on-demand historical data replay and keeps data snapshot.
PRE_MARKET - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Accepts any session with type SessionType.PRE_MARKET.
PriceIncrements - Class in com.dxfeed.glossary
Represents rules for valid price quantization for a given instrument on a certain exchange.
PriceType - Enum in
Type of the price value.
processEvents(DXFeedSubscription<E>, List<E>) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeed
Processes received events.
Profile - Class in
Profile information snapshot that contains security instrument description.
Profile() - Constructor for class
Creates new profile with default values.
Profile(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new profile with the specified event symbol.
Promise<T> - Class in com.dxfeed.promise
Result of a computation that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future.
Promise() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Creates promise in the initial state and without an executor for notifications.
promiseDone(Promise<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.promise.PromiseHandler
Invoked when promised computation has completed normally, or exceptionally, or was canceled.
PromiseException - Exception in com.dxfeed.promise
Indicates that promised computation has completed exceptionally.
PromiseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.dxfeed.promise.PromiseException
Constructs exception with a given cause.
PromiseHandler<T> - Interface in com.dxfeed.promise
Handler for promised computation completion.
Promises - Class in com.dxfeed.promise
Utility methods to manipulate promises.
publishable(Class<? extends OrderBase>) - Static method in class
Returns a list of publishable order sources for a given event type.
publishEvents(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXPublisher
Publishes events to the corresponding feed.


Quote - Class in
Quote event is a snapshot of the best bid and ask prices, and other fields that change with each quote.
Quote() - Constructor for class
Creates new quote with default values.
Quote(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new quote with the specified event symbol.


read(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Reads and returns instrument profiles from specified stream This method recognizes data compression formats "zip" and "gzip" automatically.
read(InputStream) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Use, String). This is an extension point only and will be made protected in future.
readCompressed(InputStream) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
readFromFile(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Reads and returns instrument profiles from specified file.
readFromFile(String, String, String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Reads and returns instrument profiles from specified address with a specified basic user and password credentials.
readResolve() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
readResolve() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
reconnect() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Terminates all established network connections and initiates connecting again with the same address.
REGIONAL_ASK - Static variable in class
Ask side of a regional Quote.
REGIONAL_BID - Static variable in class
Bid side of a regional Quote.
REGULAR - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Accepts any session with type SessionType.REGULAR.
REMOVE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Bit mask to get removal indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
removeAttributeStringByKey(String, String) - Static method in class
Removes one attribute with the specified key while leaving exchange code and other attributes intact.
removeChangeListener(ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Removes subscription change listener.
removeChangeListener(ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscription
Removes subscription change listener.
removeEventListener(DXFeedEventListener<E>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Removes listener for events.
removeEventListener(DXFeedEventListener<Order>) - Method in class
Removes listener for events.
removeGenerations(Set<Object>) - Method in class
Removes instrument profiles with non-null generation tags from a given set.
removeListener(OrderBookModelListener) - Method in class
Removes a listener from this order book model.
removeListener(ObservableListModelListener<? super E>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.model.ObservableListModel
Removes a listener from this observable list model.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Removes listener that is notified about changes in on-demand service properties.
removeStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Removes listener that is notified about changes in state property.
removeStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Removes listener that is notified about changes in state property.
removeSymbols(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Removes the specified collection of symbols from the set of subscribed symbols.
removeSymbols(Object...) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Removes the specified array of symbols from the set of subscribed symbols.
removeUpdateListener(InstrumentProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class
Removes listener that is notified about any updates in the set of instrument profiles.
replay(Date) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Turns on-demand historical data replay mode from a specified time with real-time speed.
replay(Date, double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Turns on-demand historical data replay mode from a specified time and with a specified speed.
RESERVED_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.WildcardSymbol
Symbol prefix that is reserved for wildcard subscriptions.
resolveSourceURL(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Converts a specified string address specification into an URL that will be read by InstrumentProfileReader.readFromFile(java.lang.String) method using URLInputStream.
role - Variable in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Current role for implementations of DXEndpoint.Builder.
roundPrice(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns specified price rounded to nearest valid value.
roundPrice(double, int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns specified price rounded in the specified direction to nearest value that is valid according to price increment rules.
roundPrice(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns specified price rounded according to specified rounding mode to nearest value that is valid according to price increment rules.


SATURDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts Saturdays only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() == 6).
Schedule - Class in com.dxfeed.schedule
Schedule class provides API to retrieve and explore trading schedules of different exchanges and different classes of financial instruments.
Scope - Enum in
Scope of an order.
Series - Class in com.dxfeed.event.option
Series event is a snapshot of computed values that are available for all option series for a given underlying symbol based on the option prices on the market.
Series() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Creates new series event with default values.
Series(String) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Creates new series event with the specified event symbol.
Session - Class in com.dxfeed.schedule
Session represents a continuous period of time during which apply same rules regarding trading activity.
SessionFilter - Class in com.dxfeed.schedule
A filter for sessions used by various search methods.
SessionFilter(SessionType, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Creates filter with specified type and trading flag conditions.
SessionType - Enum in com.dxfeed.schedule
Defines type of a session - what kind of trading activity is allowed (if any), what rules are used, what impact on daily trading statistics it has, etc..
setAction(OrderAction) - Method in class
Changes action of this order.
setActionTime(long) - Method in class
Changes time of the last action
setAdditionalUnderlyings(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes additional underlyings for options, including additional cash.
setAdditionalUnderlyings(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes additional underlyings for options, including additional cash.
setAggressorSide(Side) - Method in class
Changes aggressor side of this option sale event.
setAggressorSide(Side) - Method in class
Changes aggressor side of this time and sale event.
setAskExchangeCode(char) - Method in class
Changes ask exchange code.
setAskPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the current ask price on the market when this option sale event had occurred.
setAskPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes ask price.
setAskPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the current ask price on the market when this time and sale event had occurred.
setAskSize(long) - Method in class
Changes ask size as integer number (rounded toward zero).
setAskSizeAsDouble(double) - Method in class
Changes ask size as floating number with fractions.
setAskTime(long) - Method in class
Changes time of the last ask change.
setAskVolume(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes ask volume in this candle.
setAskVolumeAsDouble(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes ask volume in this candle as floating number with fractions.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Changes attachment.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Changes attachment.
setAuxOrderId(long) - Method in class
Changes auxiliary order ID.
setBackVolatility(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes back month implied volatility for this underlying based on VIX methodology.
setBaseCurrency(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes base currency of currency pair (FOREX instruments).
setBeta(double) - Method in class
Changes the correlation coefficient of the instrument to the S&P500 index.
setBidExchangeCode(char) - Method in class
Changes bid exchange code.
setBidPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the current bid price on the market when this option sale event had occurred.
setBidPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes bid price.
setBidPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the current bid price on the market when this time and sale event had occurred.
setBidSize(long) - Method in class
Changes bid size as integer number (rounded toward zero).
setBidSizeAsDouble(double) - Method in class
Changes bid size as floating number with fractions.
setBidTime(long) - Method in class
Changes time of the last bid change.
setBidVolume(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes bid volume in this candle.
setBidVolumeAsDouble(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes bid volume in this candle as floating number with fractions.
setBuyer(String) - Method in class
Changes buyer of this time and sale event.
setCallVolume(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes call options traded volume for a day.
setCallVolume(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes call options traded volume for a day.
setCancel() - Method in class
setCFI(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes Classification of Financial Instruments code.
setCFI(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes Classification of Financial Instruments code.
setChange(double) - Method in class
Changes change of the last trade.
setClose(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes the last (close) price of this candle.
setCorrection() - Method in class
setCount(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes total number of original trade (or quote) events in this candle.
setCount(long) - Method in class
Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes country of origin (incorporation) of corresponding company or parent entity.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes currency of quotation, pricing and trading.
setCUSIP(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures code.
setDateField(String, int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes day id value for a date field with a specified name.
setDayClosePrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the last (close) price for the day.
setDayClosePriceType(PriceType) - Method in class
Changes the price type of the last (close) price for the day.
setDayHighPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the maximal (high) price for the day.
setDayId(int) - Method in class
Changes identifier of the day that this summary represents.
setDayId(int) - Method in class
Changes identifier of the current trading day.
setDayLowPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the minimal (low) price for the day.
setDayOpenPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the first (open) price for the day.
setDayTurnover(double) - Method in class
Changes total turnover traded for a day.
setDayVolume(long) - Method in class
Changes total volume traded for a day as integer number (rounded toward zero).
setDayVolumeAsDouble(double) - Method in class
Changes total volume traded for a day as floating number with fractions.
setDefaults(byte[]) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
Sets shared defaults that are used by individual schedule instances.
setDelta(double) - Method in class
Changes option delta at the time of this option sale event.
setDelta(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes option delta.
setDelta(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes delta of the theoretical price.
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Changes description of the security instrument.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes description of instrument, preferable an international one in Latin alphabet.
setDividend(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes implied simple dividend return of the corresponding option series.
setDividend(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes implied simple dividend return of the corresponding option series.
setDividendFrequency(double) - Method in class
Changes frequency of cash dividends payments per year.
setEarningsPerShare(double) - Method in class
Changes Earnings per share (the company’s profits divided by the number of shares).
setETH(boolean) - Method in class
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes transactional event flags.
setEventId(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
setEventId(long) - Method in class
setEventSymbol(CandleSymbol) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes candle event symbol.
setEventSymbol(T) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.EventType
Changes event symbol that identifies this event type in subscription.
setEventSymbol(String) - Method in class
Changes symbol of this event.
setEventSymbol(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Changes symbol for this event.
setEventSymbol(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Changes symbol for this event.
setEventTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes event creation time.
setEventTime(long) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.EventType
Changes event creation time.
setEventTime(long) - Method in class
Changes event creation time.
setEventTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Changes event creation time.
setEventTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Changes event creation time.
setExchangeCode(char) - Method in class
Changes exchange code of this option sale event.
setExchangeCode(char) - Method in class
Changes exchange code of this order.
setExchangeCode(char) - Method in class
Changes exchange code of this time and sale event.
setExchangeCode(char) - Method in class
Changes exchange code of the last trade.
setExchangeData(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes exchange-specific data required to properly identify instrument when communicating with exchange.
setExchanges(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes list of exchanges where instrument is quoted or traded.
setExchangeSaleConditions(String) - Method in class
Changes sale conditions provided for this event by data feed.
setExchangeSaleConditions(String) - Method in class
Changes sale conditions provided for this event by data feed.
setExDividendAmount(double) - Method in class
Changes the amount of the last paid dividend.
setExDividendDayId(int) - Method in class
Changes identifier of the day of the last dividend payment (ex-dividend date).
setExecutedSize(double) - Method in class
Changes executed size of this order.
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Changes executor for processing event notifications on this subscription.
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class
Changes executor for processing instrument profile update notifications.
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Changes executor for processing event notifications on this model.
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class
Changes executor for processing event notifications on this model.
setExpiration(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes day id of expiration.
setExpiration(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes day id of expiration.
setExpiration(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes day id of expiration.
setExpirationStyle(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns expiration cycle style, such as "Weeklys", "Quarterlys".
setExpirationStyle(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Returns expiration cycle style, such as "Weeklys", "Quarterlys".
setExtendedTradingHours(boolean) - Method in class
Changes whether this event represents an extended trading hours sale.
setExtendedTradingHours(boolean) - Method in class
Changes whether this event represents an extended trading hours sale.
setExtendedTradingHours(boolean) - Method in class
Changes whether last trade was in extended trading hours.
setField(String, String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes field value with a specified name.
setField(InstrumentProfile, String) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Sets value of this field (in textual representation) to specified profile.
setFilter(OrderBookModelFilter) - Method in class
Sets the specified filter to the model.
setFlags(int) - Method in class
Changes implementation-specific flags.
setForwardPrice(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes implied forward price for this option series.
setFreeFloat(double) - Method in class
Changes free-float - the number of shares outstanding that are available to the public for trade
setFromTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription
Sets the earliest timestamp from which time-series of events shall be received.
setFromTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.TimeSeriesEventModel
Changes the time from which to subscribe for time-series, use Long.MAX_VALUE to unsubscribe.
setFrontVolatility(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes front month implied volatility for this underlying based on VIX methodology.
setGamma(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes option gamma.
setGamma(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes gamma of the theoretical price.
setHaltEndTime(long) - Method in class
Changes ending time of the trading halt interval.
setHaltStartTime(long) - Method in class
Changes starting time of the trading halt interval.
setHigh(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes the maximal (high) price of this candle.
setHigh52WeekPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the maximal (high) price in last 52 weeks.
setHighLimitPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the maximal (high) allowed price.
setICB(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes Industry Classification Benchmark.
setIcebergExecutedSize(double) - Method in class
Changes iceberg executed size of this analytic order.
setIcebergHiddenSize(double) - Method in class
Changes iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.
setIcebergPeakSize(double) - Method in class
Changes iceberg peak size of this analytic order.
setIcebergType(IcebergType) - Method in class
Changes iceberg type of this analytic order.
setImpVolatility(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes implied volatility.
setIndex(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes unique per-symbol index of this candle event.
setIndex(long) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Changes unique per-symbol index of this event.
setIndex(long) - Method in class
Changes unique per-symbol index of this option sale event.
setIndex(long) - Method in class
Changes unique per-symbol index of this order.
setIndex(long) - Method in class
Changes unique per-symbol index of this time and sale event.
setIndex(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes unique per-symbol index of this event.
setIndex(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes unique per-symbol index of this series.
setIndex(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes unique per-symbol index of this event.
setIndex(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes unique per-symbol index of this event.
setInterest(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes implied simple interest return of the corresponding option series.
setInterest(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes implied simple interest return of the corresponding option series.
setISIN(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes International Securities Identifying Number.
setLastTrade(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes day id of last trading day.
setLastTrade(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes day id of last trading day.
setLevel(int) - Method in class
setLocalDescription(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes description of instrument in national language.
setLocalSymbol(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes identifier of instrument in national language.
setLotSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the lot size.
setLow(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes the minimal (low) price of this candle.
setLow52WeekPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the minimal (low) price in last 52 weeks.
setLowLimitPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the minimal (low) allowed price.
setMarketMaker(String) - Method in class
Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
setMMY(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes maturity month-year as provided for corresponding FIX tag (200).
setMMY(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes maturity month-year as provided for corresponding FIX tag (200).
setMultiplier(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes market value multiplier.
setMultiplier(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes market value multiplier.
setNew() - Method in class
setNumericField(String, double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes numeric field value with a specified name.
setNumericField(InstrumentProfile, double) - Method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Sets value of this field (in numeric representation) to specified profile.
setOpen(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes the first (open) price of this candle.
setOpenInterest(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes open interest.
setOpenInterest(long) - Method in class
Changes open interest of the symbol as the number of open contracts.
setOpenInterestAsDouble(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes open interest as floating number with fractions.
setOPOL(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes official Place Of Listing, the organization that have listed this instrument.
setOptionSymbol(String) - Method in class
Changes option symbol of this event.
setOptionType(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes type of option.
setOptionType(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes type of option.
setOrderId(long) - Method in class
Changes order ID.
setOrderSide(Side) - Method in class
Changes side of this order.
setPrevDayClosePrice(double) - Method in class
Changes the last (close) price for the previous day.
setPrevDayClosePriceType(PriceType) - Method in class
Changes the price type of the last (close) price for the previous day.
setPrevDayId(int) - Method in class
Changes identifier of the previous day that this summary represents.
setPrevDayVolume(double) - Method in class
Changes total volume traded for the previous day.
setPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes price of this option sale event.
setPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes price of this order.
setPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes price of this time and sale event.
setPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes price of the last trade.
setPrice(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes option market price.
setPrice(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes theoretical option price.
setPriceIncrements(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes minimum allowed price increments with corresponding price ranges.
setProduct(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes product for futures and options on futures (underlying asset name).
setProduct(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes product for futures and options on futures (underlying asset name).
setPutCallRatio(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes ratio of put options traded volume to call options traded volume for a day.
setPutCallRatio(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes ratio of put options traded volume to call options traded volume for a day.
setPutVolume(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes put options traded volume for a day.
setPutVolume(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes put options traded volume for a day.
setRho(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes option rho.
setScope(Scope) - Method in class
Changes scope of this order.
setSEDOL(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes Stock Exchange Daily Official List.
setSeller(String) - Method in class
Changes seller of this time and sale event.
setSequence(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes Candle.getSequence() sequence number} of this event.
setSequence(int) - Method in class
Changes OptionSale.getSequence() sequence number} of this option sale event.
setSequence(int) - Method in class
Changes OrderBase.getSequence() sequence number} of this order.
setSequence(int) - Method in class
Changes Quote.getSequence() sequence number} of this quote.
setSequence(int) - Method in class
Changes TimeAndSale.getSequence() sequence number} of this event.
setSequence(int) - Method in class
Changes TradeBase.getSequence() sequence number} of the last trade.
setSequence(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes Greeks.getSequence() sequence number} of this event.
setSequence(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes Series.getSequence() sequence number} of this series.
setSequence(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes TheoPrice.getSequence() sequence number} of this event.
setSequence(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes Underlying.getSequence() sequence number} of this event.
setSettlementStyle(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes settlement price determination style, such as "Open", "Close".
setSettlementStyle(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes settlement price determination style, such as "Open", "Close".
setShares(double) - Method in class
Changes the number of shares outstanding.
setShortSaleRestricted(boolean) - Method in class
setShortSaleRestriction(ShortSaleRestriction) - Method in class
Changes short sale restriction of the security instrument.
setSIC(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes Standard Industrial Classification.
setSide(int) - Method in class
setSize(double) - Method in class
Changes size of this option sale event.
setSize(long) - Method in class
Changes size of this order as integer number (rounded toward zero).
setSize(long) - Method in class
Changes size of this time and sale event as integer number (rounded toward zero).
setSize(long) - Method in class
Changes size of the last trade as integer number (rounded toward zero).
setSizeAsDouble(double) - Method in class
Changes size of this order as floating number with fractions.
setSizeAsDouble(double) - Method in class
Changes size of this time and sale event as floating number with fractions.
setSizeAsDouble(double) - Method in class
Changes size of the last trade as floating number with fractions.
setSizeLimit(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Changes size limit of this model.
setSource(OrderSource) - Method in class
Changes source of this event.
setSPC(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes shares per contract for options.
setSPC(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes shares per contract for options.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Changes on-demand historical data replay speed while continuing replay at current OnDemandService.getTime() time}.
setSpreadLeg(boolean) - Method in class
Changes whether this event represents a spread leg.
setSpreadLeg(boolean) - Method in class
Changes whether this event represents a spread leg.
setSpreadSymbol(String) - Method in class
Changes spread symbol of this event.
setStatusReason(String) - Method in class
Changes description of the reason that trading was halted.
setStrike(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes strike price for options.
setStrike(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes strike price for options.
setSymbol(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes identifier of instrument, preferable an international one in Latin alphabet.
setSymbol(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Changes symbol for this model to subscribe for.
setSymbol(String) - Method in class
Sets symbol for the order book to subscribe for.
setSymbol(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.TimeSeriesEventModel
Changes symbol for this model to subscribe for.
setSymbols(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Changes the set of subscribed symbols so that it contains just the symbols from the specified collection.
setSymbols(Object...) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Changes the set of subscribed symbols so that it contains just the symbols from the specified array.
setSymbols(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Changes the set of subscribed symbols so that it contains just the symbols from the specified collection.
setSymbols(String...) - Method in class
Changes the set of subscribed symbols so that it contains just the symbols from the specified array.
setTheta(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes option theta.
setTickDirection(Direction) - Method in class
Changes tick direction of the last trade.
setTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes timestamp of the candle in milliseconds.
setTime(long) - Method in class
Changes time of this option sale event.
setTime(long) - Method in class
Changes time of this order.
setTime(long) - Method in class
Changes timestamp of event in milliseconds.
setTime(long) - Method in class
Changes time of the last trade.
setTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes timestamp of the event in milliseconds.
setTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes time of this series.
setTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes timestamp of the event in milliseconds.
setTime(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes timestamp of the event in milliseconds.
setTimeNanoPart(int) - Method in class
Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this event.
setTimeNanoPart(int) - Method in class
Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
setTimeNanoPart(int) - Method in class
Changes microseconds and nanoseconds part of time of the last bid or ask change.
setTimeNanoPart(int) - Method in class
Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of event.
setTimeNanoPart(int) - Method in class
Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of the last trade.
setTimeNanos(long) - Method in class
Changes timestamp of event.
setTimeNanos(long) - Method in class
Changes time of this order.
setTimeNanos(long) - Method in class
Changes timestamp of event.
setTimeNanos(long) - Method in class
Changes time of the last trade.
setTimeSequence(long) - Method in class
Changes time and sequence of this event.
setTimeSequence(long) - Method in class
Changes time and sequence of this order.
setTimeSequence(long) - Method in class
Changes time and sequence of last trade.
setTimeSequence(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes time and sequence of this series.
setTradeId(long) - Method in class
Changes trade ID.
setTradePrice(double) - Method in class
Changes trade price.
setTradeSize(double) - Method in class
Changes trade size.
setTradeThroughExempt(char) - Method in class
Changes TradeThroughExempt flag of this option sale event.
setTradeThroughExempt(char) - Method in class
Changes TradeThroughExempt flag of this time and sale event.
setTradingHalted(boolean) - Method in class
use setTradingStatus instead.
setTradingHours(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes trading hours specification.
setTradingStatus(TradingStatus) - Method in class
Changes trading status of the security instrument.
setType(TimeAndSaleType) - Method in class
Changes type of this option sale event.
setType(TimeAndSaleType) - Method in class
Changes type of this time and sale event.
setType(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes type of instrument.
setUnderlying(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Changes primary underlying symbol for options.
setUnderlying(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionChainsBuilder
Changes primary underlying symbol for options.
setUnderlyingPrice(double) - Method in class
Changes underlying price at the time of this option sale event.
setUnderlyingPrice(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Changes underlying price at the time of theo price computation.
setUpdatePeriod(long) - Method in class
Changes update period in milliseconds.
setValidTick(boolean) - Method in class
Changes whether this event represents a valid intraday tick.
setValidTick(boolean) - Method in class
Changes whether this event represents a valid intraday tick.
setVega(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes option vega.
setVersion(int) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Changes version.
setVolatility(double) - Method in class
Changes Black-Scholes implied volatility of the option at the time of this option sale event.
setVolatility(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Changes Black-Scholes implied volatility of the option.
setVolatility(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Changes implied volatility index for this series based on VIX methodology.
setVolatility(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Changes 30-day implied volatility for this underlying based on VIX methodology.
setVolume(long) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes total volume in this candle.
setVolumeAsDouble(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes total volume in this candle as floating number with fractions.
setVWAP(double) - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Changes volume-weighted average price (VWAP) in this candle.
shallNotifyOnSymbolUpdate(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Compares newly added symbol with the old one that was present before for the purpose of notifying installed ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener about the change.
SHORT_DAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts short days only - those with (Day.isShortDay() == true).
shortDay - Variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Required short day flag, null if not relevant.
ShortSaleRestriction - Enum in
Short sale restriction on an instrument.
Side - Enum in
Side of an order or a trade.
SIDE_BUY - Static variable in class
use Side.BUY instead.
SIDE_SELL - Static variable in class
use Side.SELL instead.
size() - Method in class com.dxfeed.model.AbstractIndexedEventModel
Returns the number of elements in this model.
SMFE - Static variable in class
Small Exchange.
smfe - Static variable in class
Small Exchange.
SNAPSHOT_BEGIN - Static variable in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Bit mask to get snapshot begin indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
SNAPSHOT_END - Static variable in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Bit mask to get snapshot end indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
SNAPSHOT_MODE - Static variable in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Bit mask to set snapshot mode indicator into the value of eventFlags property.
SNAPSHOT_SNIP - Static variable in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Bit mask to get snapshot snip indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
SpreadOrder - Class in
Spread order event is a snapshot for a full available market depth for all spreads on a given underlying symbol.
SpreadOrder() - Constructor for class
Creates new spread order with default values.
SpreadOrder(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new order with the specified underlying event symbol.
start() - Method in class
Starts this instrument profile connection.
stopAndClear() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Stops incoming data and clears it without resuming data updates.
stopAndResume() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ondemand.OnDemandService
Stops on-demand historical data replay and resumes ordinary data feed.
subscriptionClosed() - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener
Invoked after subscription is closed or when this listener is removed from the subscription.
Summary - Class in
Summary information snapshot about the trading session including session highs, lows, etc.
Summary() - Constructor for class
Creates new summary with default values.
Summary(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new summary with the specified event symbol.
SUNDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts Sundays only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() == 7).
supportsProperty(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Returns true if the corresponding property key is supported.
symbolsAdded(Set<?>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener
Invoked after a collection of symbols is added to a subscription.
symbolsRemoved(Set<?>) - Method in interface com.dxfeed.api.osub.ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener
Invoked after a collection of symbols is removed from a subscription.


TheoPrice - Class in com.dxfeed.event.option
Theo price is a snapshot of the theoretical option price computation that is periodically performed by dxPrice model-free computation.
TheoPrice() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Creates new theo price event with default values.
TheoPrice(String) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
Creates new theo price event with the specified event symbol.
THURSDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts Thursdays only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() == 4).
TICK - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Tick aggregation where each candle represents an individual tick.
TimeAndSale - Class in
Time and Sale represents a trade or other market event with price, like market open/close price, etc.
TimeAndSale() - Constructor for class
Creates new time and sale event with default values.
TimeAndSale(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new time and sale event with the specified event symbol.
TimeAndSaleType - Enum in
Type of a time and sale event.
TimeSeriesEvent<T> - Interface in com.dxfeed.event
Represents time-series snapshots of some process that is evolving in time or actual events in some external system that have an associated time stamp and can be uniquely identified.
TimeSeriesEventModel<E extends TimeSeriesEvent<?>> - Class in com.dxfeed.model
Model for a list of time-series events.
TimeSeriesEventModel(Class<? extends E>) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.model.TimeSeriesEventModel
Creates new model.
TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol<T> - Class in com.dxfeed.api.osub
Represents subscription to time-series of events.
TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol(T, long) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.api.osub.TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol
Creates time-series subscription symbol with a specified event symbol and subscription time.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol
Returns string representation of this indexed event subscription symbol.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol
Returns string representation of this time-series subscription symbol.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.osub.WildcardSymbol
Returns "*".
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.Candle
Returns string representation of this candle.
toString() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Returns string representation of this candle alignment.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Returns string representation of this exchange.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns string representation of this aggregation period.
toString() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Returns string representation of this candle price type.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Returns string representation of this price level.
toString() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Returns string representation of this candle session attribute.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Returns string representation of this symbol.
toString() - Method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleType
Returns string representation of this candle type.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.DailyCandle
Returns string representation of this daily candle.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEventSource
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this analytic order.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this option sale event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this order event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this order.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this profile event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this quote event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this spread order event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this summary event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this time and sale event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this trade event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this trade event.
toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation of this trade event.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Configuration
Returns string representation of this configuration event.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.misc.Message
Returns string representation of this message event.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Greeks
Returns string representation of this greeks event.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Series
Returns string representation of this series event.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.TheoPrice
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Returns string representation of this underlying event.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Attribute
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI.Value
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfile
Returns a string representation of the instrument profile.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.option.OptionSeries
Returns a string representation of this series.
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Day
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Schedule
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.Session
toString() - Method in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Trade - Class in
Trade event is a snapshot of the price and size of the last trade during regular trading hours and an overall day volume and day turnover.
Trade() - Constructor for class
Creates new trade with default values.
Trade(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new trade with the specified event symbol.
TradeBase - Class in
Base class for common fields of Trade and TradeETH events.
TradeETH - Class in
TradeETH event is a snapshot of the price and size of the last trade during extended trading hours and the extended trading hours day volume and day turnover.
TradeETH() - Constructor for class
Creates new trade with default values.
TradeETH(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new trade with the specified event symbol.
TRADING - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts trading days only - those with (Day.isTrading() == true).
trading - Variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Required trading flag, null if not relevant.
TRADING - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Accepts trading sessions only - those with (Session.isTrading() == true).
trading - Variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Required trading flag, null if not relevant.
TradingStatus - Enum in
Trading status of an instrument.
TUESDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts Tuesdays only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() == 2).
TX_PENDING - Static variable in interface com.dxfeed.event.IndexedEvent
Bit mask to get transaction pending indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
type - Variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionFilter
Required type, null if not relevant.


undecorateSymbol(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedSubscription
Undoes the decoration of the specified symbol doing the reverse operation to DXFeedSubscription.decorateSymbol(Object).
undecorateSymbol(Object) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription
Undoes the decoration of the specified symbol doing the reverse operation to DXFeedTimeSeriesSubscription.decorateSymbol(Object).
Underlying - Class in com.dxfeed.event.option
Underlying event is a snapshot of computed values that are available for an option underlying symbol based on the option prices on the market.
Underlying() - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Creates new underlying event with default values.
Underlying(String) - Constructor for class com.dxfeed.event.option.Underlying
Creates new underlying event with the specified event symbol.
updateInstrumentProfile(InstrumentProfile) - Method in class
Convenience method to update one instrument profile in this collector.
updateInstrumentProfiles(List<InstrumentProfile>, Object) - Method in class
Updates a list of instrument profile and assign them a generation tag.
user(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
Changes user name for this endpoint.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.annotation.EventFieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Role
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(char) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleExchange
Returns exchange attribute object that corresponds to the specified exchange code character.
valueOf(double, CandleType) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePeriod
Returns candle period with the given value and type.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(double) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePriceLevel
Returns candle price level with the given value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Converts the given string symbol into the candle symbol object.
valueOf(String, CandleSymbolAttribute<?>) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Converts the given string symbol into the candle symbol object with the specified attribute set.
valueOf(String, CandleSymbolAttribute<?>, CandleSymbolAttribute<?>...) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSymbol
Converts the given string symbol into the candle symbol object with the specified attributes set.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns direction by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns iceberg type by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns side by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(int) - Static method in class
Returns order source for the specified source identifier.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Returns order source for the specified source name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns price type by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns scope by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns restriction by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns side by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns type by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum
Returns status by integer code bit pattern.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
Returns an instance of additional underlyings for specified textual representation.
valueOf(Map<String, Double>) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.AdditionalUnderlyings
Returns an instance of additional underlyings for specified internal representation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns an instance of CFI for specified CFI code.
valueOf(int) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.CFI
Returns an instance of CFI for specified integer representation of CFI code.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns an instance of price increments for specified textual representation.
valueOf(double) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns an instance of price increments for specified single increment.
valueOf(double[]) - Static method in class com.dxfeed.glossary.PriceIncrements
Returns an instance of price increments for specified internal representation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.annotation.EventFieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandlePrice
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleSession
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.event.candle.CandleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dxfeed.schedule.SessionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
view() - Method in class
Returns a concurrent view of the set of instrument profiles.


waitUntilCompleted(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Synchronously waits for full first snapshot read with the specified timeout.
wasComplete - Variable in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
wasComplete() - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileReader
Returns true if IPF was fully read on last InstrumentProfileReader.readFromFile(java.lang.String) operation.
WEDNESDAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts Wednesdays only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() == 3).
WEEK_DAY - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts week-days only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() <= 5).
WEEK_END - Static variable in class com.dxfeed.schedule.DayFilter
Accepts weekends only - those with (Day.getDayOfWeek() >= 6).
whenDone(PromiseHandler<? super T>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Registers a handler to be invoked exactly once when computation completes.
whenDoneAsync(PromiseHandler<? super T>, Executor) - Method in class com.dxfeed.promise.Promise
Registers a handler to be invoked asynchronously exactly once when computation completes.
WildcardSymbol - Class in com.dxfeed.api.osub
Represents [wildcard] subscription to all events of the specific event type.
withName(String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Changes name that is used to distinguish multiple endpoints in the same JVM in logs and in other diagnostic means.
withProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Sets all supported properties from the provided properties object.
withProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Sets the specified property.
withRole(DXEndpoint.Role) - Method in class com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint.Builder
Sets role for the created DXEndpoint.
write(OutputStream, String, List<InstrumentProfile>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileWriter
Writes specified instrument profiles into specified stream using specified name to select data compression format.
write(OutputStream, List<InstrumentProfile>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileWriter
Writes specified instrument profiles into specified stream with the "##COMPLETE" end tag at the end.
writeToFile(String, List<InstrumentProfile>) - Method in class com.dxfeed.ipf.InstrumentProfileWriter
Writes specified instrument profiles into specified file.


XEUR - Static variable in class
Eurex Exchange.
xeur - Static variable in class
Eurex Exchange.
XNFI - Static variable in class
NASDAQ Fixed Income.
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